OUR MISSION: To provide youth with an arena of self-examination and challenge by utilizing the model of Boot Camp, and the Power and Hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Enlisted to Endure Boot Camp is run under the auspices of Enlisted to Endure, Inc. a New Mexico non-profit established for this purpose. Ray Rubi, Eric Strutz and Keith Mickens comprise the corporate board. These men are pastors in good standing with Christian Fellowship Ministries.
E2E uses boot camp style discipline, athletic and intellectual competition, and ministry including church services and pastoral talks to reach teens with the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ and to prepare them to face the challenges of a life lived for Christ. In a supervised and structured setting in the pristine pine forests of Northern New Mexico, the teens are challenged to cast off the negative peer pressure of a fallen world and to see themselves as they truly are-as young men and women made by God and for God.
E2E teen boot camp began in 2007 by the efforts of many dedicated people who worked tirelessly in the beginning stages to make the bootcamp happen. The bootcamp is based on the successful pattern established by similar teen camps in Arizona, Texas, and North Carolina. That pattern is to use Christian Fellowship Ministry pastors with past military service as Drill Instructors to create a boot camp-style environment that frees teens from many of the negative elements in their world that powerfully influence them.